Outdoor Activities

Tomintoul to the Bridge of Avon

Bridge of Avon

1.5km/1 mile one way Allow 30 minutes each way

It is likely that both sheep and cattle will be encountered on this walk – please follow the Scottish Outdoor Access Code.  Also check field before entering and detour to avoid cattle if necessary. Keep dogs on a lead or under close control and if threatened by cattle release your dog.

Start - Campdalmore Car Park (Tomintoul): NJ 164 194.  Follow blue waymarkers

Follow the track uphill, following the route of the old military road, towards Campdalmore Farm, passing the Victor Gaffney viewpoint. Continue along the track passing the farm steading, before forking left and heading downhill on a grassy track. Follow this track emerging behind Urlarmore steading, where you skirt around the back of the houses and down a flight of steps emerging on the B9136 Avonside road.

Turn right and follow the road for 200m before turning left into the picnic area and reaching the old Bridge of Avon.