Outdoor Activities

George Smith Smuggler Trail

George Smith Smugglers Trail

5km/3miles Allow 1.5-2.5 hours

Start - The Glenlivet Distillery Car Park NJ 195 289.  It is unlikely that you will encounter livestock on this route.

From the distillery car park, head past the duck pond and follow the road North past Minmore House, Smiths former home. Turn left through a small gate and follow the path between fields and into a wood. Follow the path through the wood before emerging at a junction. Turn right here and the route now follows the Drumin Circular path.

The path follows along the edge of the woodland and there are lovely views down across the farmland toward the River Livet. The path then crosses between fields and drops down, passing by the Glenlivet primary school, where you turn right onto a small path opposite the school. Emerging on the edge of the road. 

Cross over and pass through the pedestrian gate following the path along the river.  There are some well placed benches along this stretch with great views of the water and riparian woodland.  Eventually the river is crossed by means of a large wooden footbridge and the path continues along the opposite side of the river.  On this section, dippers, wagtails, herons, and ducks may be seen and again there are multiple benches for enjoying river views.  Continue to the gate back on to steps leading on to the road where you turn left.

Pass the castle car park and head away from the river and up the road. This wooded bank with its fine ash and elm trees is covered with snowdrops in the spring. At the top of the hill turn left onto the road for 200m then right onto the track into Drumin woods. Follow the track into the woods past the old sawmill yard before turning left onto a smaller path between the trees. Continue along this path as it meanders between the gorse and heather beneath the Scot’s Pine trees, before emerging onto a road. Turn right onto the road and keep straight ahead through a gate and on into the edge of another woodland.

Complete the circuit and return to the distillery the same way.