News & Events

Rainbow Afternoon Tea, LGBTQ+ Heritage Talk & Pride Ideas Session - Sat 24th February, 2pm Glenlivet Estate Office

Rainbow Afternoon Tea

We are really happy to be hosting a Rainbow Afternoon Tea at Glenlivet Estate Office on Sat 24th February from 2pm, featuring a heritage talk about well-known LGBTQ+ people from the past who have links with the Park, as well as hosting a Pride Ideas session for everyone to take part in. There will be free tea, cake and chat and everyone is welcome.

Grantown-based LGBTQ+ social enterprise “Somewhere” which publishes the award-winning Somewhere: For Us magazine is carrying out a consultation with individuals, communities and businesses across the Cairngorms National Park to talk to people about the possibility of having a Pride festival in the area. The Pride Ideas sessions and online surveys are designed to capture people’s thoughts, ideas and opinions about a new festival, to help shape it from the start. Founder/Director Kath Pierce is hosting events around the Park until the end of February and encouraging people to come along and share their thoughts and ideas. More information can be found at including links to surveys for individuals/communities and for businesses.